Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Germany Part 3 + recipe

Today's Wed, the 29th. They checked my vitals again this morning - weight, blood pressure, temperature, and oxygen level, plus they measured my girth. I'm sure I'll find out why soon. A bit, later, still before breakfast, Dr. Migeod did another ultrasound; apparently, I didn't have a full bladder for yesterday's and he wanted to check out the area more thoroughly. I am very impressed with the attention to detail.

At 10:00am, I went for my next hyperthermia treatment with Vit C infusion. I was back on the first machine. I forgot to mention yesterday that the Italian one is very different than the German one. Maybe, I'll take pictures tomorrow so you can see the differences. The treatment of hyperthermia lasts about 50-55 minutes, while the Vit C is only for 45 minutes. After Hyperthermia, I was scheduled to see Dr. Migeod around 11:00. He has been late the last couple of days but was here about 10:50am today. He had the rest of the blood work results, which dealt with my immune system, and the results from my urine test, which showed what my PH level was - I'm very acidic. My blood was okay for the T-cells, my killer cells and the eater cells, but am very low on the other two indicators. Can't remember the names, but one has to do with the Thymus. So, he wants to stimulate them more and is upping my dose of mistletoe, as I tolerated the first shot well. I think I'll be getting thoses twice a week. So far, all the shots have been given in the abdomen; I'm looking very polka-dotted. He increased my Vit D intake as well; I brought my own drops from home and he has increased them from 4 to 8 a day. He is starting me on echinacea also, for the immune system, as well as something more for my spleen. I'm going to have a sodium bicarbonate infusion too, tomorrow, for the acidity/alkalinity. It's amazing how much he covers with all his tests. Why don't they do this in the USA? How's that for a rhetorical question? Boy, there's a lot going on!

It looks like I've developed a bit of lymphadema in my right leg due to the large tumor in my groin. Luckily, I have enough compression stockings so I can wear them on both legs. Not fun, but it is what it is. I had had some swelling in my right ankle for a couple of weeks before we flew, and after the flight, my right leg swelled more, at least up to the knee. Since I knew that the stockings help with the movement of lymph, due to my lymphadema in my left leg, it's an easy follow up. I'll have to see if there is more I have to do once I get home, or maybe I'll see a lymphadema therapist here.

I continue to be impressed with the flexibility of the kitchen. Art had a noodle dish, with some kind of large dumpling with a meatball in the center, and sauce, and I had gluten-free noodles, with some veggies, and turkey meatballs, they made themselves, with a very light sauce. Very tasty. The large meal is at lunchtime with a smaller lighter meal at dinner time. It's almost 2:30 and I don't have any treatments scheduled for this afternoon. It's cooler today and very overcast, having rained this morning. We may take a drive or just relax, as yet, we haven't decided what to do.

More later.

It's almost 5:00pm and we just returned from France. We went to a small village, Wissembourg, only 15 minutes away. Very quaint with lots of restaurants and pastry/chocolate shops. It was raining, so we walked around for less than an hour and came back. However, it was a good stop, as we passed an orthopedic pharmacy, where they sold compression stockings and I was able to buy a couple more. There WAS a reason for going. It never occurred to me to buy more and they were less expensive than the ones I buy in the US. We want to return there when we have more time, as there are several things to see and do in and around Wissembourg.

I need to make a correction from Germany Part 2 - it's NOT the Palatine, it IS the Palatinate that is the wine country, which goes throughout Germany. Hope we get to explore some of that area too.

We ended up going out for dinner in Wissembourg with our new friends Nancy and Patrick. They leave tomorrow - boo hoo. We plan on keeping in touch.

Good Night until the next blog.

Green Bean Pate

This is a wonderful imitation chopped liver, so much more healthy. Everyone loves it when it’s served on the Holidays. I use Sami’s Bakery crackers, made of millet, brown rice and flax seed. They're on the internet

½ pound Fresh green beans, ends trimmed
3 large Onions, peeled & sliced
¼ cup Vegetable broth
3  Eggs, hardcooked, using only the whites (save yellows for something else)
1 cup Walnut, almond, or brazil nut pieces
½ teaspoon Salt or to taste
½ teaspoon Pepper, coarsely ground
Assorted crackers
Cucumber slices (a delicious option)

1.         In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, cook green beans in water for 12 minutes. Remove from heat and drain. In a medium frying pan over medium hear, sauté onions in vegetable broth for 30 minutes or until onions are well done, stirring frequently. Remove from heat.

2.         In a food processor, place beans, onions, egg whites, nuts, Salt and pepper. Whirl until a pate-like consistency is reached. Transfer to a serving bowl and serve with assorted crackers or cucumber slices.

Yields 2 cups.

Recipe from Patsy Rasmussen, a really good friend who lived in Santa Fe, Panama, and now is back in the States.

1 comment:

Sabine said...

I think you are keeping an excellent diary of your stay, and I am sure it is helpful to people who are considering to follow your example. Thank you for sharing.

Before, I never took notice of your recipies, because I am not a dedicated cook. But now, I am starting to think that you offer a real treasure here! The next step will be to try something out! What does "C" stand for?